Ahmed, a young boy who goes to school and follows his family’s occupation of making kites, never fails to dream. He always wonders how clouds float in the sky and how birds and aeroplanes fly.
Seeking answers to his questions, he turns to his one and only science teacher, Neelam Ma’am. Fascinated yet confused after processing the information, Ahmed is unsure if he wants to be a kitemaker, a pilot, or an aeronautical engineer when he grows up.
This engaging story captures a young boy’s hopes and dreams and how they can lead to new beginnings.
About the Author: Chitrangada is an avid reader by day and a scribbler by night. She grew up with six dogs and loves to solve puzzles. This is her first book.
About the Illustrator: Ranjan Verma, a creative conductor & doodle dazzler, thrives on crafting visual symphonies and sketching stories. Embarking on adventures through the realms of design and illustration, this free spirited soul is fuelled by an insatiable curiosity and an eye for the extraordinary.