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Buddha #5 : Deer Park - Kool Skool The Bookstore

Buddha #5 : Deer Park

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About the Book: Buddha: Deer Park (Volume 5) The fifth volume in the eight part of an epic graphic novelseries by Osamu Tezuka, Buddha: Deer Park (Volume 5) is the storyof Gautama Buddha, the founder of Buddhism. In the eight books, thestory follows the life of Gautama Buddha as he grows up, getsmarried, discovers his true faith and starts a religion with amillion followers the world over. In these graphic novels, Tezukapresents a curious blend of themes and styles. Beautifully detailedlandscapes are marked by cartoon-like characters and the book isfilled with silly whimsy, fictional and non-fictional stories fromthe life of Buddha and a whole host of characters from modern dayfiction like ET and Yoda. In the fifth book, Osamu Tezuka takes off from where the lastbook ended, with the enlightenment and the renaming of Siddharthato Buddha. Deer Park starts with Gautama Buddha and his firstdisciples – the deer of the forest! Buddha spends his daysextolling his teachings in the Deer Park to the deer who call thisforest home. It is sheer delight for Buddha when they listenattentively and respond to what he has to say, just as if they knewwhat Buddha was saying. It is in the Deer Park that the firstfoundations of Buddhism are laid down. It is here that Buddhareveals his “Middle Way”, the one through which hefound enlightenment. Through the book, Buddha gives many analogiesand metaphors to help his disciples understand the thoughts andideas behind his philosophy. Parallel to the story of Buddha andthe beginning of Buddhism continues the story of Yatala, the orphanwho grew up to be merciless, brutal person. In the mean time, Tattabecomes one of the most feared soldiers in the kingdom and isforced to battle a giant (who turns out to be Yatala). Devadutta isstill as manipulative as can be and is hell bent on creatingfriction between two rival kingdoms. This friction between the tworival kingdoms leads to a bloody and vicious war and leavesthousands dead in i 

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